The "As-built" page is the main place to manage all the log points on the Infrakit project.
The "As-built" tab can be used to manage the log points that have been uploaded to the project. Through the tab, the user can view, edit, and export log points.
The "Documents" tab can be used to visualize documents on the map view and modify a document's metadata or properties. The modification can be done for an individual document or for several documents at the same time.
The "Drawings" tab can be used to manage what drawings will be shown on the map view.
DWG and DXF files can be uploaded to Infrakit using the "Files" page. These files can be used to visualize 2D and 3D data.
On the equipment editing page, the user can create new equipment or modify the settings of existing equipment.
The "Equipment" page is the main place to manage all the equipment on the Infrakit project.
The "Equipment" tab can be used to manage the equipment on the map view. The equipment can be sorted and filtered in different ways or hidden completely from the map.
The "Files" page is the main place to manage all the folders and files the user wants to use and share on Infrakit.
On the "Map" page, the user can visualize the project's data in 2D with different tools and features.
The "Map tile layer" tab can be used to manage what tile layers will be shown on the map view.
The “Mass Haul” page will allow the user to manage all the truck-related tasks and observe the trucks on the map.
The “Masses” page will allow the user to define work tasks for the vehicles and calculate accurately the volumes of earthwork between models and the current state in order to track their completion over time.
The “Masses” tab will allow the user to create grid-based and model-based mass calculation tasks. The grid-based task can also be visualized on the map by drawing the grid over the models used in the task.
The "Models" tab can be used to manage what models will be shown on the map view.
The "Photos" page is the main place to manage all the photos on the Infrakit project.
The "Photos" tab can be used to manage the image files that have been uploaded to the project. Through the tab, the user can view, edit, and upload photos.
On the project editing page, the user can manage project properties and administer users, equipment, and project integrations.
On the project settings page, the user can modify the initialization settings and define the default attributes for the project, which can be utilized in various ways.
Saved views are views that can be taken and saved from the map view. These views can contain, for example, models, machines, log points, and everything else the user wants to show on the map. After creation, these views can also be shared, commented on, and annotated. The saved view is also dynamic in a way that if the user, for example, creates a view in a folder where log points are recurringly produced, the newly produced points will be updated in the view.
The "Schedule" page allows users to manage the schedule of created tasks by creating schedule items for each task.
On the user settings page, the user can modify their own user account settings and observe the download activity of the account.
On the "Visualization" page, the user can visualize the project in 3D with different tools and features.
A user with the "Super user" or "Administrator" role can manage the machines of the project. This article will instruct the user on how to add a new Xsite machine to the project and how to transfer an existing machine to another project.