Setting up connection to ConX

You should have an existing Infrakit project, which can be empty or already contain design files and other machinery.

Fresh ConX project created with the work machines to be connected attached to it.

Connect Infrakit project to ConX project in Infrakit Admin (Edit project).

NOTE: if the Connect button on the Edit Project page does not work, then the integration has not yet been enabled for your organization. Please contact Infrakit support and we will help you out.


  • Go to Project integrations
    • Leica Geosystems
    • New connection







  • Select Connect





  • Infrakit redirects you to ConX login page
    • Enter your login credentials
    • Select Authorize App
    • Select correct ConX project
      • Press "Connect"


  • Machines will appear to Infrakit project when synchronization cycle is finished 

After connecting the projects, you will manage design files in Infrakit. Supported design file formats are DXF and LandXML.

You can then set model rights to these machines in Infrakit for them to sync to the machine. After sync is done the files should appear in your ConX project with assignments to the machines selected in Infrakit.
Files should appear in ConX under "MC1 Data transfer" with same folder structure is in Infrakit.




Note: adding machines to ConX-project will always create a new ID for the machine and same machine with old connection will be shown as offline machine in previous project. To prevent this always edit the machines in your ConX project. Editing machine will keep the same machine ID for the machine