1. Uploading DEM Models

  • Go to the "Files" page and upload the DEM models (TIF or TIFF format) into your project folder.


2. Accessing the DEM Tool

  • Click on the DEM tool icon to open the tool. 


  • From the "Select DEM model" dropdown, choose the DEM model for the calculation.
  • In the "Select Measurement" dropdown, select an measurement area or click "Upload KML" to upload a KML file as a measurement area.


3. Selecting DEM Model

  • Activate the DEM model from the "Map tile layers" tab and select the model from the "Select DEM model" drop-down box.


4. Drawing Areas

  • Draw an Area: After selecting the DEM model, draw an area on the map by clicking points. Double-click to close the area.


  • Drawing Tools:
    • Modify Tool: Click "Modify" to adjust already-drawn areas.
    • Snap Options:
      • Snap to Models: Click "Snap to Models" to snap to existing models while drawing areas.
      • Snap to 100 Gons: Click "Snap to 100 gons" to snap to 100 gons (90 degrees).
    • Each tool can also be activated from the keyboard, and the activation key is provided in the square brackets [ ].


  • You can draw multiple areas, which will be numbered sequentially. Each area can be used independently in calculations.


  • You can also upload an existing KML file and use that as an area.


  • After a measurement area has been selected, the calculation information will be shown.


5. Configuring Calculation Settings

  • Base Height: Adjust the base height for the calculation in the "Base Height" bar.
  • Tolerance: Set the tolerance to exclude mass within a specified range from cut/fill calculations.
  • Density (Optional): Expand the box by clicking "> More" and set density for the mass in the calculation.


6. Color Legend

  • A color-coded legend shows the required cut and fill. The green color indicates the mass is within tolerance and won't be regarded in cut and fill calculations.
  • At the bottom of the box, these colors are also visualized with the DEM model.


7. Mouse Actions

  • Right-click Options:
    • Export Drawings (KML): Download the drawn area as a KML file.
    • Delete: Remove the selected area.


8. Viewing Results

  • Results of the calculation for the selected area will be shown in the tool window.