Settings for Infrakit in Makin Cloud
There must be an Infrakit license available on the organization in the license folder
Press the Settings button
Press the + under the 3rd Part Integrations
Enter the user name and password that is used in Infrakit to login
Tick on the Project synchronization so it is Active
Press Save credentials & verify integration
Check that connection status: is green = connection was verified
When projects is synchronized from Infrakit to Makin Cloud, it will be visible under projects.
Projects from Infrakit will be visible with Infrakit project name
When a project is synchronized, it is important to select the correct coordinate system and geoid
before it can be opened in Makin´3D software in the machine.
Press Save when the right coordinate system and geoid are selected
Congratulations you have now finished the integration process for Makin3D.
Next step is to add assignments to equipment