Main screen of the app

First, start off by clicking the first icon from the left in the action bar of the application. After that a features configuration screen will be shown.

Feature configuration screen

This screen will show only once, and it will guide you to configure all the things that are needed for the PDF editing and saving of the reports.

There are three main things to do:

  1. Grant read/write storage permission to Infrakit application - we need this in order to read/save pdf files in the phone's storage
  2. Install Xodo PDF Reader - this is a 3rd party application that enables you to edit fillable pdf files. All pdf editing will be done via this application.
  3. Grant Xodo permission and verify that it works - here we open the Xodo application, and immediately it asks for storage permission. After you grant permission to Xodo, return back to Infrakit and a window will pop off. By proceeding with this feature, you will be again taken to Xodo and this time a Infrakit picture will be shown. When you see the picture press back again and verify to Infrakit that you've seen it.

After this, all is set up and ready to go. Now the Report screen is opened.

Report screen

First time here, you will be shown a tutorial that says these things:

  1. Select a template - dropdown item where you can see the list of report's templates that you can choose from.
  2. Select a folder - dropdown list of folders where you can choose to which folder do you want to save your report.
  3. Edit - this is a button which you press, and you will be taken to Xodo app with the template file loaded. You can edit it in Xodo then to save and continue, simply press back until you return to Infrakit app.
  4. View - this is a button which lets you preview current state of the selected report. You will be taken to different application to view the file. Simply press back to return to Infrakit.
  5. File name - this is a field where you can enter your desired report's name. You can leave it at default, but you can also change it to whatever you like.
  6. Comment - this is a field used to enter some comments that you have of this report.
  7. Lan/Lng - this is a label showing where your reports will be located on the map. (In main screen, there is option "show reports" that displays saved reports on the map.)
  8. Upload - this button finishes the process, uploading your report to the server and taking you back to the main screen.


Check also guide from the video -> 

Main screen - show reports

On main screen there is one more feature to discuss and that is "show reports" feature. 

Show reports displays reports on the map where they were taken. To preview a report simply click on the pdf icon on your map and select view pdf to preview it in full screen.